Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Crack is normally smoked in a pipe, glass tube, plastic bottle or in foil and it gets its name from the cracking sound it makes when it is burned. Crack is a strong drug, it tends to make people feel more energetic or alert a small amount of the affects are: dry mouth, sweating, loss of appetite and increased heart and pulse rate. The effects of crack are almost immediate but they only last for a short time. For long time crack users who try to quit it will often be difficult because they will feel tired, panicky, exhausted and unable to sleep, often causing extreme emotional and physical distress. If an over dose occurs it could cause a massive temperature change, extreme agitation, convulsions and respiratory arrest. If you are taking large doses or doses one after the other affects could be extreme anxiety, outbursts of violence, paranoia and hallucinations, the risk of getting an over dose increases if the drug is mixed with something else like :heroin or alcohol.


Meth is an awful drug with awful affects. the affects can last from 10 to 12 hours if it is smoked, if it is orally taken the effects could last 6 to 8 hours, some of the long term effects are: they may have to take larger amounts of the drug to get the same feeling they had when they started taking it, that could result in anxiety, confusion, insomnia and weight loss. Meth makes you have high blood pressure that could cause you to have a stroke or even die; other effects include risk of convulsions, respiratory problems, irregular heartbeat, and extreme anorexia, paranoia, mood disturbances, delusions and hallucinations. For example: people may feel the sensation of insects creeping on the skin, and as a result scratch and pick at their skin until there are open sores, which can become infected. There is also a possibility you could get “meth mouth”, meth mouth is when your teeth begin to rot, know one knows exactly why it happens some say it is because of a reduced blood flow to the teeth and gums and dry mouth from less saliva. Those are the effects of meth… so you shouldn’t use it.

My project is not on LSD

I will no longer be doing my project on LSD, I will however still be doing it on heroin, crack and methamphetamine {meth} the reason I am not doing my project on LSD is because I can not find enough facts on it and the ones I did find were not very accurate. I am doing a song about methamphetamine and crack, because I have already told you about heroin and its affects.